The next generation of workers bring an entirely new skill set into the workforce, so why is it essential that businesses prepare for this?
The Digital Native
A digital native is someone who was born during the digital revolution; this includes most of the world’s Millennials and generation Z. They trust and rely on their smart devices more than a pen and paper.
There are 363 million digital natives globally, with more than 84 per cent of this group owning a smartphone, compared with 63 per cent of the total population. The way they approach work and social situations is drastically different to the previous generation. For example, texting, instant messaging and emailing is the preferred method for communication, rather than picking up the phone.
Maximising the potential of this generation
Over the last decade, the digital natives have started to filter through to the workforce. To maximise on the potential of this generation, businesses need to assess how their office is being used and adapt for these new workers.
Traditional working methods of being tied to your desk have become ineffective. Laptops, mobile phones and shared platforms have eradicated the need to work in a static environment. Digital natives thrive in an environment that can cater to their fast-paced, instantaneous, digital lifestyle. Mobile working will liberate the next generation of workers and create an atmosphere that feels natural for them.
Being able to sit anywhere, connect anywhere, remotely book desk space and instantly book meeting rooms will only promote productivity. Touch screens, smart devices and integrating working platforms will create a seamless experience for workers and create a stress-free atmosphere for the digital natives, as well as the rest of the business.
And remember, happy employees will ultimately profit the bottom line of the business and result in better staff retention.