Why businesses need to get tech right

Digital devices and services affect practically every aspect of our lives: whether it be at home, on holiday or going out for dinner, most individuals use digital technologies to make their everyday tasks and interactions much simpler. In the world of work, employees expect the same unified and seamless experience from their workplace tech, but that is not always what they get.

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A study by Dropbox and Ipsos Mori, which surveyed more than 4,000 employees globally, revealed that 31 per cent of employees do not enjoy using the technology available in the office, in fact finding it stressful. This is particularly true of younger employees who have high expectations of technology. In the UK, for instance, 36 per cent of millennials found using technology at work stressful compared to 25 per cent of those aged 55 and over. These statistics suggest that companies still have further to go in creating an office environment in which employees are empowered by technology.

tech in businesses

Outside of work, digital natives are used to technology which works in a seamless manner. Entering the workplace often involves an overcomplicated array of systems that ultimately do not assist employees in their everyday tasks. Businesses need to invest in technology that reduces friction in employees’ working lives.

Businesses can boost communication and collaboration in the office with technology platforms such as unified communications. Such technologies allow employees to experience a frictionless interaction between virtual communication resources and the bricks-and-mortar office space.

Reducing the stress and frustration employees feel when faced with non-intuitive tech, unified platforms through which they can manage everyday tasks and interactions allow employees to collaborate without any technical issues halting their progress. The results from the study by Dropbox and Ipsos Mori suggest that the experience of using workplace tech is not always a positive one for employees, but implementing the right, user-friendly technology can transform the working environment for all employees.

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