Video integration technology – the remote working secret weapon

It’s clear that remote working is on the up and modern employees are looking to flexible solutions in order to complimant a better work/life balance, while simultaneously, employers are recognising flexibility in the workplace as a way to cut overhead costs and improve staff morale. The benefits are clear, but the truth is that anyone wanting to successfully move to a remote working pattern needs the right tools in their arsenal, and no other tool is as important as video integrated technology.

Luckily, video integrated tech is now everywhere, as the majority of us have smartphones in our pockets and laptops with camera functionality at home. Many report the ease of being able to reach out and speak to a colleague or client via video has eliminated the drawbacks of working out of the office – video seems able to foster more of a connection than audio, and the ability to share documents on screens or show physical work is an added bonus.

According to The Modern Workplace 2018: People, Places & Technology Report,

only 7 per cent of organisations offer no opportunity for remote working at all.

We know that allowing employees some level of remote working is extremely popular – but even with the evident benefits, there is still some consternation from more traditional business leaders, particularly when it comes to the perceived lack of face-to-face communication between employees.


Even with video integrated technology, some business leaders still have doubts, and highlighted the absence of ‘watercooler moments’ in the report. One US retail business leader said:

“[remote working] reduces our ability to build personal relationships.”

Although video meetings and more informal ways of communicating, like Google Hangouts, can be incredibly helpful, it is understandable that some may possess apprehension.

From an employee perspective, video meetings have transformed the workplace, and have afforded workers more freedom to work in the ways that suit them individually. Video meetings are on the rise, and perhaps this correlates with the increasing popularity of remote and flexible working (despite the slight trepidation from more conventional business leaders). One French executive surveyed, extolled the virtues of video integrated technology –

“the quality is incredible, it is high definition with great sound, you feel like you are in the room with other people.”

Considering that the technology we have in our pockets, homes and workplaces is only going to improve, perhaps the future looks even brighter for the remote worker.

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