The Modern Workplace 2019 – People, places and technology findings

Did you know that 40 percent of employers already offer remote working? Or that 60 percent now allow employees to set their own hours?

In order to facilitate this, there has been an equal emphasis on the growth in smart, tech-enabled workplaces; but, while there is an emphasis on this growth, digital transformation is also seen as the biggest challenge facing organizations over the next 12 months (37 percent).


These statistics represent new research released by Condeco in conjunction with market research partners, Burlington, in The Modern Workplace 2019 Report: People, Places & Technology.

The report provides insights into the current topics affecting the global workplace, through the responses of over 750 business leaders in six different regions.

“The research clearly shows that businesses are in the process of transforming their workplaces digitally, which enables them to transform the way that they are used physically. ~ Paul Statham, CEO, Condeco

Regional workplace takeaways

Each region surveyed in this report highlighted some interesting points:

  • In the UK: 38 percent of business leaders place uncertainty about the future as a business challenge now and in the next five years (the highest globally – is this an effect of Brexit perhaps?)
  • In the USA: Top workspace priorities include taking advantage of new technology to use space more effectively.
  • In France: The biggest challenge for meeting room management in France is providing the right mix of meeting spaces.
  • In Germany: Taking advantage of new technology to drive productivity is top workspace priority.
  • In Australia: 51 percent of businesses leaders see increased employee productivity as a benefit to their organisation (higher than the global average of 38 percent).
  • In Singapore: Research shows an 18 percent increase from 2018 in meeting room management being utilized through mobile apps.

The rise of cloud computing and teleconferencing

Cloud computing and teleconferencing are both representing equal part opportunity and challenge for businesses today.

According to The Modern Workplace 2019 Report, 60 percent of participants are concerned at the rate at which technology is shaping business today; with a substantial amount of time actually being spent on related topics like cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things (IoT).

While cloud computing is proving beneficial as a flexitime and remote working enabler, the adoption of new technologies, for 35 percent of those surveyed is proving the biggest challenge.

Which has led to the emphasis being on digital transformation…

The digital workplace transformation

This is one very hot topic at the moment, and rightfully so:

  • In Singapore, 55 percent said digital transformation was the biggest challenge.
  • In the UK, the biggest challenge is uncertainty about the future (35 percent). In contrast, overall just 22 percent were most concerned about uncertainty about the future
  • In Germany, talent supply is the biggest challenge (38 percent).
  • Yet, 38 percent of businesses say they are not prepared for digital transformation.

Condeco-The Modern Workplace 2019 chart

Issues facing organizations in their workspace digitization

  1. Integrating technology in multiple business sectors
  2. Adapting to changing employee expectations
  3. Costs of workspaces

Choosing the right kind of meeting

Providing the right mix of tools and equipment to this digital transformation mix is a big challenge, and one that needs to be addressed. While overall, all the countries surveyed are empowering their workforce to manage meetings better, have more informal catch ups, collaborate effectively in spaces that work for them, and offer flexitime to accommodate a more digital working environment; with Peter Otto, Chief Product Officer, Condeco stating that “ultimately, new technology will enable businesses to allocate their resources and time more effectively. Read the full Modern Workplace 2019 press release here

In order to enable this demand on an increasingly mobile or contingent workforce, organizations need to incorporate a more robust meeting room booking and scheduling solutioninto this transformation process.

“Only 23% of employees have access to meeting rooms when they need them.” ~The Modern Workplace 2019 Report

Finding the right meeting room to meet your business needs starts with Condeco. With an integrated suite of meeting room booking solutions, you will be able to offer your employees a meeting space booking process; freeing up your people to do more productive things than trying to find a meeting room.

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