Rolling out new technology within your organization isn’t just as simple as plugging it in. Just like you would introduce any new process or policy into the workplace, understanding the core value and impact that new technology will bring to your business is vital; once this has been established, your team can begin to evaluate the other factors at play. Implementing new business software can be quite challenging, on many different levels. Business leaders must consider the impact new technology is going to have on their workforce, and how it truly will aid in optimizing the workspace more.
Depending on how large the project is, they may have to create project teams, timeframes, design new processes, factor in new integrations, and ultimately find a way to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Here are a few best practices which will help you along your tech adaptation and implementation journey:
Fad or requirement?
Firstly, you need to determine if your organization requires this technology, or is it just an exciting fad that many are getting swept up in? Talk to employees and decide if there is a place for this new tech, and whether its functions may help improve existing ways of working, or replace outdated ones altogether. Perhaps you feel the new technology in question could be both useful now and in the future, and a testing period is needed to decipher your usage.
Include employees from the very beginning
The best way to ensure adoption of the solution is to have input from the very beginning. Include end-users in defining the overall need, as well as evaluating the best solutions. Don’t forget to empower the workforce to make suggestions and offer feedback at every step of the journey.
Think about function
What duties will your voice assistant perform? Within our business, Alexa assists by booking meeting rooms and desk spaces using our own booking system. We also gave our voice assistant a ‘mini job description’ to help keep things clear.
Determine the location
Where will your new technology be physically located in the workspace? This may be determined by the type of technology that you’re using, and the functions it is expected to undertake.
Implementing new tech
Consider which department will be responsible for both the installation of new tech, and the ongoing upkeep and management of its systems. Don’t automatically assume the IT team are responsible for all technology!
Communication and roll out
Change can magnify fear, and it’s known that many of us have vague worries about AI and robots taking over the day-to-day functions of the workplace, therefore putting the average office worker out of a job. These concerns must be dealt with, and communication is key.
Don’t underestimate the power of marketing
A good internal promotional campaign can go a long way. Make sure extensive training is available. Consider using multiple platforms and avenues to share tips, tricks, and training. Train ‘super users’ who can act as first-line support for the rest of the workforce.
Be present and accessible
Ensure you have key stakeholders and advocates spread throughout departments and locations that can drive the adoption of this new technology. Host a launch event that gets everyone together talking about the impending change in a positive, fun environment.
User adoption
After the new technology is adequately implemented and introduced, user adoption rates, along with any commentary from team members, should be noted.
So what new technology are you looking to introduce and implement in your business?