How Transformation Management impacts leaders

Within an agile culture, all of the fundamental elements of transformation management still apply; the key differences are greater complexity, more internal and external players, a larger number of variables and the speed and fluidity with which change must be implemented. In an agile environment, change cannot be left to chance; it must be managed systematically, as a formal programme.

agile_workspace.jpgAn important part of the transformation management equation is leadership. Agile organisations recognise that leadership does not simply exist at the ‘top’; it resides throughout the organisation and its value network.

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In fact, agility requires that leaders emerge in response to particular situations. Within an agile culture, the concept of ‘leader’ is not attached to a position. A leader on one team may play the role of member on another team, where a different member plays the leadership role.

Agile leaders, wherever they emerge, embody a range of special skills, capabilities, and personal qualities that help them succeed in global, virtual, and mobile workplaces.

Specifically, they:

  • Thrive on challenges and remain focused on the future vision
  • Can articulate a strong case for change, reducing resistance and creating energy and enthusiasm among participants
  • Value relationships and work to maintain trust, creating a sense of cooperation and involvement to build and sustain momentum
  • Expect to take calculated risks and reward innovation

To become a pervasive part of the corporate culture, leadership capabilities cannot stop with a few select individuals. Agile organisations should actively nurture future change leaders.

Activities and roles designed to offer personal leadership development can help firms attract high-potential candidates.

Once identified, organisations need to manage this pipeline, grooming today’s incremental change managers into tomorrow’s transformation leaders.

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