
Productivity and Innovation in the US – Why is it working?

The US has long held a reputation for being one of the most productive countries in the western world. As financial crashes rocked the output of many industries, the US has often managed to hold steady in times of crisis, with a notably more impressive rate of innovation and yield than many other countries, including

Productivity and Innovation in the US – Why is it working? Read More »

Managing your real estate with occupancy sensing

Occupancy sensing has been getting a bit of a bad reputation recently, with several articles accusing the technology of being little more than a monitoring device, comparing it to Big Brother style surveillance, named after George Orwell’s seminal novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Shock headlines have announced so-called creepy or invasive technology which monitors employees, but occupancy

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Is there a Moral Crisis in Australia’s Workplaces?

Australians are often recognised for their laidback attitudes and sunny disposition – while this is no doubt a bit of a stereotype, there is some truth at its core. This positive, easy-going attitude doesn’t seem to be reflected in Australian workplaces in recent years: many Australians describe a lack of contentment with their jobs, and

Is there a Moral Crisis in Australia’s Workplaces? Read More »