The rise of the smartphone has prompted predictions from global experts that the device will overtake and increasingly replace desktop and laptop PCs. This is true not only for personal usage, but also in business, as companies tap into the possibilities offered by so-called ‘mobilisation’. With the launch of 5G expected in 2020 and the arrival of the Internet of Things controlled via smartphones, business processes are expected to be revolutionised in just a few years.
The rise of the smartphone, challenging the desktop computer as the ultimate office management tool, will see the use of mobile apps explode. As employees increasingly work via mobile app, the impact on company culture will be significant. Working on their smartphone, employees will no longer be tied to their desk. With employees free to roam wherever they are needed, business leaders must create agile workplaces that respond to the mobility of staff.
Mobile apps can help here too: apps can now put live information about an office into the hands of individual employees. Using IoT-based sensor technology, such as Condeco’s occupancy sensor means companies can collect real-time data about the use of an office, showing exactly where desks and meeting rooms are free. This information can be incorporated into mobile apps, accessible at the touch of a button by every employee, and no longer merely available to facilities managers, PAs, and other staff in charge of room booking systems. Making this real-time data accessible via an app gives individuals the ability to make the most of the flexibility afforded by other app-based business technologies.
From apps which manage simple tasks such as e-mail, calendars and contacts, to more complex areas such as sales support, the business landscape is becoming more sophisticated and complex. Alongside these developments, apps which simplify the everyday processes of finding an appropriate working space or meeting room becomes more important than ever. Helping employees to navigate the increasingly complex working environment, mobile apps provide a boost to agility and efficiency.