Traditional Working Methods Disowned by New Generation of Global Employees

It is not difficult to notice that office space potential remains untapped. With empty desks and wasted meeting room space, globally offices are under used 25% of the time.

Office space plays a vital role in the overall performance of a business. Effectively using your office space to its full potential can not only boost morale and productivity but also save your organisation money.


Smart buildings, built to accommodate digital natives, can unlock the potential of your office space through mobile and digital working. Traditional working methods of being tied to your desk have become ineffective.

Laptops, mobile phones and shared platforms have eradicated the need to work in a static environment. As the way we work changes, our surroundings must also adopt digital advances to encourage productivity.

Staff being able to work where they want will empower and motivate the team and ultimately increase business profitability.

Today’s digital natives have grown up in an era where they trust smart devices more than pen and paper. There are 363 million digital natives globally, with more than 84% of this group owning a smartphone, compared with 63% of the total population. The way they approach their working lifestyle is drastically different to Generation X as they balance their work and personal life.

There are 363 million digital natives globally, with more than 84% of this group owning a smartphone

The way to ensure that your office is ready for the new generation is to transform your workspace into a smart office, equipped with the tools to assist your employees. For instance being able to remotely book desk space, meeting rooms and cater to specific needs liberates employees and saves time.

Workplace Productivity has increase by 84% over the last 40 years because of Digital technology

Equipped with technological advances, we are accustomed to fast-paced lifestyles, an easy and relaxing office allows us to be at our most creative. Innovative touch screens, integrating working platforms and smart devices will create a seamless experience and create a stress free atmosphere. Happy employees ultimately increase motivation and revenue.


London accounts for almost half of the total of UK office space and yet typically workstations are only occupied 50% of the time, which demonstrates the amount of unused space that results in loss in profits for a company.

Office space potential does remain untapped, but in order to rectify this, companies need to realise that the way their employees’ work has changed. Today’s digital native works in a mobile world, where they’re in control of where and when they work. If you adapt your workspace to suit their needs, the bottom line of your business will ultimately increase.

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