How to drive growth and revenue by embracing technology

The UK has the second lowest productivity rate compared to the world’s richest nations, but businesses can boost the output of their workplaces by embracing technology.

If the UK matched the productivity rate of the United States, the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would increase by 31 per cent. This is equivalent to £21,000 a year for every UK household.

Creating an agile, digital workplace is one way to make sure your company thrives and becomes more output-driven.

Workplace Technology

Workplace technology makes it easier for staff to collaborate and simpler for decision makers, such as real estate managers to ensure their workplace is being used effectively.

Technology can help with the day-to-day running of businesses, but it can also improve output. The best ideas come from staff when they work together, so empowering collaborative working will increase productivity, drive growth and in turn increase revenue. 


Creating an environment where people can seamlessly work together will also boost staff morale and make them feel more involved with their work. According to research from TowersWatson more than 60 per cent of employees are unsupported, detached or disengaged[1], so if half of your workforce are disengaged, simply changing that could make a huge difference.

Britain is now around a fifth less productive, per worker than the G7 average, which is 40 per cent below the US[2]. 

But this can be improved by implementing technology that allows for both collaborative and flexible working. When employees can easily communicate with one another they are more productive and fully engaged with what they are doing.

Technology has the ability to power change in the workplace. And if UK companies embrace this, they will find that not only can they become much more productive, but they will also be able to attract the best talent. A digital workplace can be a real game-changer in this ultra competitive globalised market.




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