The challenges that face global businesses when expanding into new territories

Expanding into new territories can be a daunting prospect for any organisation. Whether or not you’re an existing global business, it’s a difficult task to maintain the company’s identity whilst trying to localise your business. 

On a logistical level, managing employees in new territories and ensuring that they have the tools they require to setup new aspects of the company is a huge task. As is ensuring that the office space is not only used effectively but that it is also equipped for the needs of your employees overseas. 



The main challenges that global businesses face is on an operational level. How do you manage multiple teams overseas and ensure that your financial investment hasn’t been squandered? 

Knowing exactly how your office is being used overseas will not only give you a better understanding into the business from a global operational level, but it will also demonstrate whether or not your financial investment is being best used.

Success or fail?

Staff productivity will have a vast impact on whether or not expanding into a new territory will be a success or fail. If desks and meeting rooms are being underutilised, this will have an impact on your business as a whole. The financial investment of expanding into new territories is huge, but an empty office space will only add to the financial implications.

Mobile working

Everyone has a different way of working but if you don’t facilitate your business for mobile working; you’re suppressing your employee’s productivity. This will lead to an unhappy workforce and it will ultimately affect the bottom line of your business. Hot desking and remote working will give your employees the best environment for them to thrive, ensuring that your investment has the best chance of succeeding.

Replicating your business model to attract new businesses in new territories is a big change for all aspects of your organisation. However by uniting your company on an operational level, your global organisation will still feel as one.

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