Here are 5 factors that can contribute to helping increase your business’s productivity levels: technology, flexibility, environment, communication and workplace design.
1. Technology
Technology has enabled employees to collaborate easier and more regularly, work remotely whilst still have access to the tools they need to perform, and help people to manage their time more effectively. Videoconferencing technologies for example, allows people to seamlessly connect with other offices and locations instantly. This creates a host benefits for businesses, one being an increase in productivity due to less time spent travelling.
Developing internal policies like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) gives people the freedom to work with the tools and equipment they prefer and need, which makes their working life easier, raising individual productivity.
2. Flexibility
Loosen up the reigns and trust people to work where they need to. This doesn’t mean you have to let go entirely, you can keep track of tasks by setting goals and deadlines to monitor individual output. This open approach will empower employees and give them reason to take greater responsibility for their role, as they become more accountable for missed deadlines and underperformance. Increasing your flexibility will also build a newfound level of trust between management and employees – leading to happier people and better retention.
3. Environment
Furniture, noise, décor and temperature can all affect the productivity levels of your workplace. People will simply operate better when they are in comfortable and inspiring surroundings.
The health risks associated with sitting for 8 hours a day mean it’s important to enforce regular breaks – after all tired or sick employees are not productive.
Keeping the office clean has a bigger impact than you think. Messy, dirty offices make it difficult for people to feel motivated and productive. You should also try to create stylish décor with comfortable and practical furniture that inspires, as opposed to dull and boring environments.
4. Communication
Share company challenges and objectives so that the whole team is working towards the same goals. It may sound simple but many companies choose to keep this secret or even forget to share this information.
Regular training, company updates and platforms for sharing work related questions will help to steer the direction of the company and enable individuals to align themselves. Sharing recent achievements and upcoming goals will also inspire people to push themselves and increase their own performance.
Enabling people to move around the workplace through desk-sharing schemes and hot desks will increase collaboration and productivity. Having the ability to sit with people of similar working styles (e.g. quiet or chatty) or within project teams lets people plan their working day more effectively.
5. Design
By designing a workplace that people want to work in, you’ll already be helping to increase your businesses performance. Open plan offices are great for encouraging collaboration, but people also need quieter, private areas to focus on certain tasks. Workspaces can be measured and reconfigured to accommodate areas that suit your different worker styles. This flexibility creates a more dynamic workforce that’s highly productive and comfortable.