How to get an organisation to adapt to change

There is a basic perception that organisational change is received with resistance from businesses.

Insecurity that might arise in a changing environment can have several consequences and business impacts such as: employees leaving, decreased productivity and efficiency. Word can also spread to competitors and suppliers that might cause unforeseen disruption, suppliers may decide to run from your business or relationships may break down etc. Rumors spread quickly and can do large scale damage to a business. 


Successful change  

What is the key to success during a time of change?

Personally, I’d like to say communication, communication and communication. However,  don’t forget to keep in mind how the recipient will receive your communication

The human brain is divided into two halves: rational and emotional, most people tend to have a stronger connection towards one side of their brain, making them react either rationally or emotionally to e.g. change.

A rational person often sympathizes with change and understands the long term goal, but they’re not known as “doers”. On the other hand, an emotional person works best with short term goals and quick pay offs, but they struggle to focus and see longer term benefits. Therefore, when you are presenting full scale changes, you may motivate a rational person straight away, whilst an emotional person might understand best by receiving  the change presented to them bit by bit. 

If you get the rational people onboard you’ll have understanding without motivation. If you reach the emotional workers, you’ll have passion without direction.

The key is to get everyone onboard in time for the change.

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