Everything is becoming smart. Your phones, your TV and even your fridge. But it’s not just happening in your social life, it’s also happening in the workplace. Offices are becoming more intelligent through the adoption of new technologies.
People expect to be to be connected seamlessly and instantly to the world around them. The Internet of Things(IoT) is enabling businesses to give their people instant access to physical objects and systems, making it much easier to enable flexible ways of working. People see it as the norm to be able to access their email from a train, or book a meeting from home. And if a business doesn’t offer their people the smart technology they need to perform, they’re at risk of losing their best talent.
What makes a workspace smart?
1. Connected
Building systems, log ins and workplace technology should all be interconnected to make your working life simple and seamless. Smart workplaces mean there’s less need for sticky notes and passwords. People can securely access information on the spot from either inside or outside of the office through pioneering technologies such as beacons and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks).
2. Effective
We tend to harp on about efficiency, but what use is that if it’s not effective? Smarter ways of working mean people can be more productive at work. They can work flexibly and choose the best areas to work in based on their task. And happy people with higher performance levels have a more effective impact on the company and its bottom line.
3. Technology
To be smart, you need the smarts, e.g. the smart phones, the intelligent data etc. So it’s no surprise that you need smart technology to drive any smart workspace transformation. Technology will allow you to create more streamlined processes, more accurate statistics and better places to conduct business.
4. Dynamic
Smart workplaces embrace agile working cultures and equip people with the dynamic spaces and resources they need to perform. As people become less micro-managed and more self-motivated, they’ll become more active by nature and need greater accessibility from their workplace.