Digital room signage next to the conference room door. You’re seeing more and more of them these days in forward-thinking and cost-conscious companies. And for good reason.
How often have you held an impromptu meeting and wondered where you could grab an open conference room? Or been in a meeting that‘s running long and needed to know if you could extend your meeting room usage just a little bit? Your firm wants to support collaboration but not waste lots of time just finding spaces to meet.
Conference room usage is at a premium in most busy companies, but building too many meeting rooms in your office space can mean expensive commercial real estate costs are incurred month after month. Hence, a growing popularity for the efficiency of digital room screens.
Key Questions Your Company Should Ask
When making the move to room screens for better meeting room management, you have choices. It is important that any firm consider a few key points:
- Start with the company itself. Is the room screen provider easy to do business with? Yes, it makes a difference. You’ll want a provider that is willing to work hard for your business, not take it for granted. Being “up and coming” usually translates to more accessible and energetic about serving your needs and the many locations you may have. That lays the foundation for a strong and long-lasting relationship.
- Is your provider known as an innovator? In the world of advanced technology, innovations occur every day. You’ll want to work with a company that is taking advantage of the latest open architecture advancements that allow for easier integration with current and future systems.
- And will you be able to receive the products you purchase quickly? The sooner a firm is able to implement and adopt new workspace technologies, the sooner you can begin reaping benefits.
And what about the actual room screen product? Make sure the product you select is loaded with valuable features, such as:
Future-proof technology – so the investment made today will also integrate with tomorrow’s innovations
- Customization capabilities – for different languages, corporate branding, screen savers and more
- Comprehensive reports – on overall room usage and real-time data on how rooms are booked and used
- Security attributes – including RFID reader for user authorization and identification
A Valuable Investment if Executed Correctly
This is just the beginning of what firms should be investigating before making an investment in room screens. Bottom line: will a firm’s purchase be value engineered for the future? Without the right company, without the right solutions, you’ll spend more time worrying about when your room screens are installed and how well they will work both today and with next-generation innovations than the time you’ll be saving.
Joining the room screen revolution is smart. They save time, help plan and reduce a company’s meeting space requirements. But when you explore room screens, consider Condeco. Cool company. Even cooler room screens.
For more information on Condeco Software’s Digital Room Screens, download our complete and detailed list of their key benefits and features. They are value engineered for user convenience and return on investment.