Preparing for Gen Z in the workplace

The world of work is changing, and although facilitation of effective working environments is a major key, so is the future workforce. Generation Z is expected to reach 2.56 billion individuals globally by 2020, and many of them are now starting to enter the workforce.

This will undoubtedly affect many organisations, with up to five generations working alongside each other – an exciting time for everyone, with learning and knowledge being shared across different age groups. Having different generations in the workplace can only be a good thing for businesses, particularly as they continue to become more diverse, and not just with the generation gap. Overall, Gen Z’ers are optimistic about diversity, be that gender, race, and sexuality.


The rise of Generation Z

“69% of Gen Z would rather have their own workspace than share it” –

Young people are working hard in education, gaining the knowledge and the skills they need to enter the workforce, which will help to power the economy of the future. At FutureVersity, we believe all young people have the potential to be extraordinary. Generation Z, aka those born between the mid-1990s and late 2000s, will start to make their impact known in the professional workplace in the next few years. The world truly is their oyster.

Written into their DNA

“96% of Generation Z owns a smartphone” – Media Kitz

Generation Z are true digital natives, having never known a world without Wi-Fi and smartphones; some are even unlikely to remember a time before Netflix, or they might not be quite sure what to do with a cassette tape player. This might seem unfathomable to older generations, but in many ways, the fact that Gen Z are so familiar with modern technology is a positive – for example, they can see the potential downsides – 60% of Gen Z are concerned that social media may be too public. Nobody is an expert, however: as technology and media trends continue to evolve, even Generation Z will be required to adapt to the next wave.

It’s not all about beanbags and sriracha sauce

“44% of Gen Z would be most excited to apply for a job with a flexible work schedule” – Media Kitz

Forward-thinking organisations have already begun capitalising on these talent pools, adapting to new trends and new generations, while satisfying the needs of their current workforce. There tend to be less than complimentary media stereotypes surrounding the younger generations, but be aware, attracting the best of Generation Z talent isn’t all about offering beanbags and free sriracha sauce – while they may not be primarily motivated by salary or economic achievement, personal satisfaction is high on their list, and thought to be a better focus for Gen Z success.

Interestingly, unlike previous generations, Gen Z don’t see the cost of further education as a viable route to their future career, which is why the continued growth of apprenticeships and school-leaver programmes is so positive, particularly as most are accessible for disadvantaged young people in a way that University is often not.

What can we gain from this?

“75% of Gen Z would be interested in a situation in which they could have multiple roles within one place of employment.” –

FutureVersity’s programmes and courses allow young people access to career learning by working with businesses across a range of industries. These business offer mentoring, workshops and training programmes. In return, businesses have access to future talent pools – eager, enthusiastic, digital savvy individuals who are aware of the latest trends.

Jamila Daley-Jeffers, Operations Manager, FutureVersity

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