6 Benefits of Meeting Room Reporting

6 Benefits of Meeting Room ReportingWe live in an information age where knowledge is power, data is a commodity, and statistics yield business advantage – it’s a characteristic that has led to a rise in workspace analysis and has increased the value of using meeting room reporting.

Meeting room reporting provides organizations with data they can use to make better decisions and improve their service. We’ve compiled a list of 6 meeting room reporting benefits that will enable your organization to gain the necessary information and knowledge to improve its decision-making.

Meeting Room Utilization

Statistically speaking, meeting rooms are only in use 36% of the time. This means that, in an average 8-hour working day, over five hours’ worth of workspace is going to waste.


Although these statistics represent an average across a range of industries, knowing how your business stacks up will help you be sure whether a meeting room is the best use of your space. 

Using meeting room reporting can help your business identify how often your meeting rooms are used, for how long, and by whom. Having access to this information can enable you to make better decisions about whether a flexible workspace policy, with the option of desk booking software, is a more cost-efficient solution. 

Monitor No-Shows

One of the most frustrating aspects of room bookings is people not turning up for their meeting. This not only increases the amount of time that the workspace is unavailable, but it also means that other employees are prevented from making better use of it.

Repeated no-showing can also sometimes lead to disruptive habits, such as employees choosing not to book meeting rooms at all or deciding to use them despite another colleague booking in advance.

Meeting room reporting can monitor no-shows, identify repeat offenders, and enable you to enforce sanctions that will help reduce wasted meeting room time, ensuring a more professional work environment.

Track Resource Usage

Resources such as catering, video conferencing, and digital signage can be fundamental to a successful meeting. But it is not always obvious which resources are most frequently required and actually used. 

With reporting you can track and manage the number of resources required for meetings and see what’s made use of, this will help you to plan more effectively in the future.

Manage Room Occupancy

To avoid missed or double bookings, it’s imperative to know when your meeting room is in use. But simply being aware of when it’s occupied isn’t always enough information, and knowing how many people are using the space at any one time can also be a valuable statistic.

Using meeting room reporting, you can gain data on how often your 12-person board room is used by just 4 people. This will allow you to better understand the space required to meet the demands of your business, and make more well-informed decisions about the size of your meeting room.

Track and Monitor Visitors

Tracking and monitoring visitors can be key to improving customer service, but without accurate data it can be difficult to identify if there are any flaws in your customer service.

Meeting room reporting can track visitors to your building on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and analyse business peaks to ensure that customer wait time is minimized and there are sufficient staff members available.

With a long-term reporting solution, you will also have access to historical data to see if your organization is performing better year-on-year, or to prepare for upcoming events.

Manage Hospitality Costs

The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of visitors is an essential, if expensive, element of business. Especially for those businesses entertaining important customers regularly, or scheduling events that require considerable planning, catering, and staff.

With meeting room reporting, you can assign cost codes to specific services and then distribute the information to finance. This enables your organization to accurately invoice costs or internal charging to the right place, and allow you to plan what hospitality costs might be required in the future.

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