3 Ways that Technology will Change Business

When it comes to technology, we live in a time where it is vital to keep up with the world’s evolving standards of connectedness. In the workplace, substantial results can be seen in companies that progress their practices alongside these technological advances. To boost efficiency and remain up to date with ever-increasing tech demands, businesses are investing in a range of technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), virtual business meetings and Big Data.


  1. IoT

The IoT is best described as a network of connected physical objects, ranging from electronic devices like smartwatches, to entire buildings embedded with software, sensors, and network connectivity. For instance, Condeco’s occupancy sensor, is an IoT device which allows real-time data to be collected in order to examine how efficiently office space is being used. Studies using this technology have revealed that as little as 39 per cent of office space is effectively utilised, calling for reconsideration of office design and setup. As IoT undergoes a period of rapid expansion and reaches a period of maturity, it effectively allows businesses to assess the impact of connected devices and identify the key ways in which they can add value.

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  1. Virtual Business Meetings

With virtual business meetings, videoconferencing allows for clear communication and collaboration amongst parties in different geographies across the world, eliminating location as a barrier to quality connecting. In our globalised world, these communication tools are more vital than ever as businesses seek to get one step ahead. The advances in these virtual technologies are supported by developments in supporting technologies, such as room booking software which allows the different rooms needed for virtual business meetings to be managed from anywhere in the world.

  1. Big Data

Big data is a process where large amounts of information are collected and analysed, allowing for useful assessments of business information from numerous angles. When analysed, this data can provide a very thorough and useful resource for the company, upon which they can base business decisions. Big Data can productively be incorporated with IoT-based technologies, such as with our sensor technology, which presents real-time data on space utilisation, giving companies concrete information about their office.

Technological advances continue to change the status quo of modernization in business. In order to meet evolving demands, companies must remain up to date with these advances to stay in the game.


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