Over the last 20 years, the workplace environment has become almost unrecognisable: gone are the rows of cubicles and lack of technology; instead we welcome agile working environments, flexibility for employees, advanced technology, employee wellness programmes and collaboration zones. The one thing that hasn’t changed is our difficulty in locating appropriate meeting space, which continues to have a major impact on productivity levels.
How can we get this right?
Consider reconfiguring your meeting space, and think smaller! 73% of meetings involve only two to four people, a giant boardroom that cannot be temporarily reconfigured to smaller rooms can result in waste of precious real estate space.
40% of employees waste up to 30 minutes a day searching for meeting space. If your spaces are designed to accommodate the modern, more flexible and agile workforce and their ‘mini meetings’ (2-4 people), you could potentially save those employees 16 working days per year.
Get the technology right and you’ll save time!
On average, each employee has 62 meetings per month. When employees eventually do get that elusive meeting space, 10 minutes are wasted trying to get the corresponding technology to work – be that an electronic whiteboard, conference phone, overhead projector or video conferencing software, which relates to 124 hours per year wasted on sorting out technology. In a word, it’s frustrating!
Getting these simple but effective functions right could potentially save your business hours of wasted productivity, not to mention thousands of pounds. It’s amazing to think that 20 years on, businesses are still struggling with the same problem.
Let’s hope in another 20 years, we still aren’t wasting valuable time searching for that all-important meeting space!
Matthew Smith I PMO Analyst I Condeco