12 Interesting Workplace Facts

2018 has been an interesting year for many of us (to say the least!), but here at Condeco, we have continued to stay one step ahead of the ever-changing workplace. Trends have emerged, research has been conducted, statistics have been studied and lessons have been learnt.

Here are some of the most interesting workplace facts we have discovered this year:

1. Does dress code affect workplace productivity?

“61% of employees are more productive when the dress code is relaxed”

Many businesses are embracing the casual Friday dress code, and with good reason. Recent research shows that employees work more effectively if they’re allowed to dress in a way that makes them more comfortable. For 2019, forgo the suit and embrace business casual. Further reading: Does Your Dress Code Affect Workplace Productivity?

2. Video conference calls

“Two fifths of global business leaders report an increase in the number of video conference calls”

Video is big business. We’re able to reach our global colleagues in ways previously impossible without a hefty airfare, and as organisations look to increase collaboration and strengthen relationships, the video conference seems an obvious choice. With video meeting technology continually improving, we can only expect the increase in uptake to continue. Further reading: Six Future Predictions for Video Conferencing


3. Activity based working (ABW)

“68% of Australian businesses have embraced activity-based working within their workplaces”

In the race for the most impressive output, businesses are welcoming new ways of working into the fold. Activity-based working is one such movement, with reported benefits including higher levels of productivity and improved confidence amongst employees. Australia, it seems, is leading the pack with this innovative and effective process. Further reading: Australia is Leading the Way in Global Workplace Trends

4. Millennials in the workplace

“It’s estimated that millennials will make up 35% of the workforce by 2020.”

It probably feels like you can’t fire up your web browser without being inundated with a million mentions of millennials (and many of them negative in tone). However, millennials in the workplace, and their impact upon the future of the office, is an important discussion to have – and one that is pertinent to our future, as they become a bigger part of our workforce. Further reading: Different Generations, Different Office Needs…

5. Robotics in the workplace

“By 2020, robotics and AI will begin to take over repeatable, transactional tasks.”

Robots are becoming a regular feature of the workplace, as they take over the more mundane, but necessary responsibilities for us. It looks like robotics and AI are the future for many of us, but won’t we still require real human interaction, not to mention the type of critical thinking and feeling that only a human is capable of? Further reading: Robots in the Workplace: Routine is Becoming Robotic

6. How tidy is your desk?

“41% of workers believed that an organised workspace is key to doing a good job”

The state of your desk debate raged on this year, and probably will for a while yet! While many businesses have adopted tidy desk or clear desk policies in recent years, there is still a small but passionate minority who argue that the messy desk is imperative to their performance. We’re not entirely sure we believe them! Further reading: Tidy Desk vs Untidy Desk

7. Colour in the workplace

“80% of UK office workers believe colour can affect their mood” – British Colour Psychologist, Dr David Lewis

Gone are the days when all offices kept to a drab, beige palette… as businesses continue to embrace their fun sides (office slide, anyone?) and look for low-cost ways to boost the output of their workforce, business leaders are taking stock of how colour and design can affect employees. Further reading: The Psychology of Colour in the Workplace

8. Remote working trends

“A reported 1.5 million people are working from home in the UK alone.”

Remote working is a trend that is likely only set to expand, particularly as decision makers realise the benefits it can bring (and the myths surrounding it are truly busted). Further reading: Busting the Myths Surrounding Working from Home

9. AI voice assistants

“Up to 25% of businesses could be using virtual assistants in customer service within the next few years.”

Many of us have welcomed the AI assistant into our homes (Alexa, Google Home etc.), but their counterparts are slowly entering our offices, and helping us out with our everyday tasks. Further reading: Are we Ready for AI Assistants in the Workplace?

10. Workplace interruptions

“The average worker gets an average of 122 emails per day”

We all know what it’s like to be snowed under with emails, but are they becoming more of an interruption than a helpful facet of the workplace? According to research, we’re being interrupted at work once every 8 minutes, so no wonder so many of us are looking for new ways to ramp up our levels of productivity. Further reading: The hidden cost of workplace interruptions

11. Music in the Workplace

“One in five workers now listens to an iPod or similar device at their desk, with just under a quarter listening to music for up to three hours each day”

People seem divided over the issue of music in the workplace, and for good reason. Still, as the number of workers who use an iPod or similar to listen to music in the office shows, perhaps it’s a helpful tool for a significant percentage of us. Further reading: Can music in the workplace drive productivity?

12. Remote workers embrace video conferencing

“87% of remote users report feeling more connected to their teams and processes when using video conferencing”

The new wave of efficient video conferencing software has allowed us to reach out to colleagues in a way that alluded us previously – the signs are all there that this technology is helping us improve our connections with colleagues, and maybe our productivity levels too. Further reading: Video Integration technology – the remote working secret weapon

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